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The Meteora – Pyli Geopark is a “tool” for development

The Conference took place in Kalambaka

The Meteora – Pyli Geopark is a “tool” for development

The challenges and opportunities arising from the recognition of the Meteora – Pyli Geopark as a UNESCO World Heritage Site were analysed today during a scientific workshop held at the Centre for Digital Promotion of History and Culture of Meteora. During the workshop, the obligations arising from the inclusion of the Meteora – Pyli Geopark in the UNESCO World Network were presented in detail, as well as the enormous prospects that are emerging in the region, both in terms of promotion of the geotopes, culture and products, and in terms of raising the living standards of the inhabitants. This was also pointed out in his address by the Mayor of Meteora Eleftherios Avramopoulos, who stressed that the local community is facing an unprecedented opportunity to turn the region into a global destination by participating in the network of 213 geoparks around the world. “We must all understand the magnitude of the opportunity that lies ahead of us and take every possible initiative to seize a unique opportunity to change the fate of the place,” he said.

In the same vein was the greeting of the vice-regional head of Tourism Thessaly Natasha Adamopoulou, who stressed that the region of Thessaly, realizing the prospects of the project, proceeded to the preparation of Integrated Spatial Intervention in the region, thus creating the necessary development tools for the completion of infrastructure. The president of the Chamber of Trikala, Mr. Papaefthymiou, referred to the efforts of the previous administration of the Chamber, as well as to the commitments of the present one for the promotion of business activities related to the Geopark, since, as he pointed out, entrepreneurship is a key factor for the success of the project, but also the sector that can draw a large part of the dynamics from the global visibility of the region. In the main part of the event, the President of the National Geoparks Committee of the Hellenic Commission for UNESCO and Professor of Physical Geography of the Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean, Nikos Zouros, gave an extensive presentation of both the history of Geoparks worldwide and, more specifically, the prospects for the Meteora Gate Geopark, from its inclusion in the UNESCO global network. Mr. Zouros thoroughly analyzed all aspects, both the challenges and the opportunities that are emerging, inviting the local community to “embrace” the Geopark by adopting its enormous potential.

For his part, the special advisor of the Geopark, Nikos Pitsoulis, presented the strategic plan and the package of actions planned by the Region of Thessaly and the municipalities of Meteora and Pyli, so that the Geopark can develop the maximum potential that will upgrade both the promotion of the wider region and the local Gross National Product, contributing to the sustainability of resources and stable development. Finally deputy head of the Education Center for the Environment and Sustainability Pertoulionio – Trikaion Teresa Kotroni, referred to the important role of education in environmental protection and promotion of the Geopark, while promoting the environmental education programs implemented in the region, as an additional tool for sustainability and development Present at the event were also the Deputy Head of the Environment of the Region of Thessaly Fotis Lambrinidis, the appointed regional councillors K. Ki Xafos, municipal councillors of the municipalities of Meteora and Pyli, but also a large number of people.