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Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas a nunc velit. Fusce dui orci, auctor quis leo sit amet, scelerisque gravida lectus. Suspendisse potenti.
What a great honour it has been to participate in the, called “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION IN THE UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKS OF GREECE – CYPRUS”, which took place in Sitia, on May 25 to 27, 2023. The Conference was organized by the UNESCO Global Geopark of Sitia, and the Municipal…
View moreThe Region of Thessaly won three awards at the Tourism Awards 2023 competition, which completed ten years of awarding self-governing bodies and businesses that invest in innovation and quality in tourism. At the great night of Greek Tourism Awards in Athens, the Regional Governor of Thessaly Kostas Agorastos received awards…
View moreThe Region of Thessaly is emerging as a global nature tourism destination with the Geopark of Meteora – Pylis. This is a special collaboration project, with great development potential that leads to an extension of the tourist season in terms of quality and sustainability. The Region of Thessaly, with OFYPEKA,…
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