Mount Lakmos (Peristeri)
Lakmos 420 36
39.678616568859, 21.173229217529
Area Code: GR2130007 | Area: 20344,99 hectares
Mount Lakmos is designated as a Site of Community Importance and a Special Protection Area (SPA) for birds with the code (GR2130007). Lakmos is an elongated, imposing mountain range with beautiful alpine plateaus that rises like a giant wall between the geographical areas of Epirus and Thessaly. Most of Lakmos belongs to the prefecture of Ioannina, reaching southwards to the border with the prefecture of Trikala. The flora includes an abundance of rare and protected species found in the wider Pindos region. The bare and steep rock formations found all over the mountain are ideal nesting places for many wondrous bird species. A few vultures still live on the Lakmos, while a few years ago the Egyptian vultures also lived there. Among the raptors, golden eagles and snake eagles live here, and among the amphibians, the alpine newt, the Macedonian newt, the salamander, the toad, the toad, the yellow-bellied toad, the grey frog and the slipper frog live here. The herpetofauna includes one of the most important and rarest snakes in Greece, the Greek Nanochentra (Vipera graeca), which lives in the rocks and meadows above 1,400 metres. Other species are the Mediterranean tortoise, the conch, the lizard of Roumeli, etc.