Malakasi Deep Oceanic Sediments
Malakasi 422 00
39.786081972886, 21.285568013553
Multicolored deep-sea sediments appear along the main road in the Malakasi area. These formations were created by deposition on the ocean floor of the Tethys that separated Eurasia from Africa during the Mesozoic period. Tethys ocean was destroyed by the collision of the two lithospheric plates. Their current position is the result of compressive forces that caused the rise and fold of the marine sediments. These are the fine-grained sediments of the deep-sea sedimentation, argillaceous and siliceous mainly in composition, such as variously colored and mainly red shales, pilites, and radiolarites/cherts in different colors, interspersed with thinly layered pelagic limestones and sometimes fine-grained sandstones, while they are interrupted by basic volcanics and tuffs. These sediments constitute a very thick series, they are strongly deformed and they are often folded together with ophiolitic bodies.