Holy Monastery of Prophet Elias & Metamorphosis of Haliki

In the two churches that survive (Prophet Elias and Metamorphosis of Christ), there is no inscription. In another inscription, three monks (Damianos, Hilarion, Cyprian), as well as the monks Jeremiah and Avxentios, are mentioned, who spend for a box of sacred relics on August 30, 1852. In a commemoration of 24-8-1900, Hilarion is mentioned as the abbot, who is also considered the benefactor of Haliki, because he built the village’s elementary school.

The Chaliki priest Christos Barbalis says that the monastery was built around the middle of the 19th century by three brothers Damianos, Hilarion and Avxentios Mavrogeorgos, shepherds from Chaliki. Soon other compatriots, such as Cyprian, Jeremiah and Nicodemus.

Hilarion travelled successfully in Europe to support the monastery and left a great testament (Athens, 6-3-1871). Later, in the Old Goundouvasda of Kalambaka, Avxentios founded the Monastery of St. Athanasius on Mega Hill. Also, the Monastery of Halikiou had a metochi in Markotades of the neighbouring Kallirroi.

By the Royal Decree of July 8, 1886, the monastery of Prophet Elias Halikiou was united with the Holy Monastery of Holy Cross of Doliana as a part of it.

Today the monastery is in ruins, but its two temples are in good condition.

The church of Prophet Elias is a very small building, a stone basilica with a single aisle and a vaulted ceiling. It ends in a semicircular niche on the east. According to Al. Hatzigiakis, it must have existed already in 1750.

The newest church of the Transfiguration of Christ is built in 1783. It was rebuilt in 1868 and renovated in 1963. It is a beautiful stone building, also covered with slabs, a cruciform single-aisled basilica with a dome and two choirs of the Athonite type. To the east it ends in a seven-sided niche, while the roof consists of a semicircular chamber. The floor is paved with slabs.