Aspropotamos 420 36
39.638889, 21.287778
Area Code: GR1440001 | Area: 20178.5500 hectares
The region of Aspropotamos, having managed to combine its unspoilt beauty with its age-old traditions, has been included in the National List of the European Network NATURA 2000. Community Directive 92/43 with code (GR 1440001). The flora of the area is extremely rich. The Aspropotamos area is crossed by a large network of small and large mountain streams that flow into the Acheloos. On the banks of these streams are forests of plane trees, willows, maple trees and other hydrophilic plants. At an altitude of 900-1 700 m there are extensive fir forests. The ecological value of these forests is enormous, as they are a refuge for many animals and birds. The climate in the area is cold, the rainfall is over 1 000 mm and the dry season lasts only one month. The alpine meadows, which are found at altitudes of 2 300 metres and above, are of great botanical interest due to the large variety of endemic herbs. Several wild mammals can be found in the forests of the area, including the brown bear, which is protected. Birds are also abundant, the main representative being the beautiful partridge. Its populations are mainly threatened by the human factor. The wild trout of Aspropotamos is considered a rare fish species and is found in the rivers of the region. Its population is considered the largest in Greece but excessive and usually illegal fishing has led to a reduction in its population. In Koukofli, just before the village of Krania, there is a wild trout farm.