Management System

Management System


The Meteora – Pyli Geopark is managed by a permanent Management System that was set up for the joint monitoring and evaluation of its development course with the object of its organisation and operation.

Participants in the Management System:

The Contracting Parties of this Cooperation Agreement participate in the administration of the Geopark as defined in ARTICLE 6: COORDINATION AND MONITORING COMMITTEE.

The contracting entities constitute the set of entities with administrative responsibility over the entire area of the Geopark, consequently having the authority to make and implement decisions and interventions, as well as to finance them with their own resources or through financial instruments and tools.

In the Geopark’s Management system, the CONSULTATION BODY also plays an active role at the level of consultation, submission of proposals and recommendations, as described in ARTICLE 7 of the Program.


The O.C. has a supervisory-coordinating role for the long-term organization and operation of the Geopark, mainly by preparing and supervising the Action Program and submitting proposals for the inclusion in financial programs of the implementation of actions that are part of the Geopark’s operation as described in particular in ARTICLE 4: OBJECT OF THE ORGANISATION COORDINATOR (O.C.) of the Cooperation Agreement.

For the effective performance of its role, O.C. has the required means, infrastructure and personnel.

“ANAPTIXIS S.A.” includes in the context of its organizational structure the object of the Agency Coordinator.

Since the company’s system of organization – management and project production is structured on the basis of the project with the establishment of Project Teams with a Project Manager and persons responsible for individual activities (sub-projects), the Geopark project will be integrated into the operation of the SP in the same way. Consequently, it is integrated into the operation of “ANAPTYXIS S.A.” and in particular a “Geopark MANAGEMENT DIVISION” is created, for which a Project Team and a Project Manager are appointed respectively.